Re: Proposal to close ISSUE-57: errata on OWL 1.0 documents

Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> I propose to close ISSUE-57 as none of the problematic pieces of
> the OWL 1.0 documents survive in the OWL 2 documents.
> peter


While peter is correct in the observation, the issue also lists a number 
of comments which might merit errata against the OWL 1 docs, and I think 
this group should at some point consider them, and make errata on the 
OWL 1 docs as required.

i.e. we have some obligation for on-going maintenance of the OWL1 specs, 
even though our primary task is OWL2.


Received on Thursday, 17 April 2008 15:48:36 UTC