Re: Proposal to close ISSUE-82: UML diagrams

Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

... snip

>>Peter Haase (who created the metamodel in the first place) and
>>I have discussed working together to revise that as well. 
>Revising what?  
The MOF-Based Metamodel and related documentation available at  There was 
originally overlap between the diagrams in this model and the current 
FS&SS - I haven't looked recently to see how much they now diverge.

Note that Boris and Conrad are hoping to connect later today to discuss 
revision to the diagrams in the FS&SS, which should be very helpful 
towards fixing the UML issues in the diagrams in that document.

>>Leaving it as is will only create
>>confusion among UML savvy folks who are looking to this working group
>>for leadership. 
>Leaving what as is?
The UML in the FS&SS.


Received on Thursday, 17 April 2008 14:59:33 UTC