ISSUE-117 (solipsism): RAISED: ditch comprehension principles

ISSUE-117 (solipsism): RAISED: ditch comprehension principles

Raised by: Jeremy Carroll
On product: 

In 2002 I suggested an OWL Full semantics without comprehension principles, [1].

In the light of the renewed schneider [2] variant of the patel-schneider paradox, it may be appropriate to reconsider the (straw poll) rejection of that proposal from the amsterdam f2f of webont [3].


This issue is not intended to preempt any consideration by the Full team, but is more intended to provide continuity links in the historical record between the contemplations of the two WGs.

(I have been outvoted before, and can be outvoted again :) )

(note: formally I withdraw the proposal due to lack of support)

Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 17:01:43 UTC