RE: comment on Profile document: Missing rule in OWL-R?

Alan Wu answered to Ivan Herman:

>I think you are right. In OWL Full, the extension of owl:Class should be
>the same as the extension of rdfs:Class.

Yes (as stated in sec. 5.3 of the old AS&S). OWL R Full can get this by introducing an additional axiomatic triple:

    owl:Class owl:equivalentClass rdfs:Class

So this is covered by ISSUE-116.


>That table 5 is for OWL-R Full anyway. So I don't worry that it gets out
>of DL realm.
>Ivan Herman wrote:
>> Alan,
>> The first rule in Table 5 of the profile document says
>> (?c rdf:type owl:Class) =>
>>     (?c rdfs:subClassOf ?c) and
>>     (?c owl:equivalentClasses ?c)
>> Isn't it necessary to have the same rule with rdfs:Class instead of
>> owl:Class? Of course, that would lead out of the DL realm in the case
>> of OWL-R-DL...:-(
>> Ivan

Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
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Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 09:13:55 UTC