Re: comment on Profile document: Missing rule in OWL-R?

Hi Alan (and the other editors of the document, actually...:-)

In the meantime I found a similar issue with Rule #4 and #5: those two 
rules are on Object and Datatype Properties, but a similar rule might be 
necessary for rdfs Properties, too.

However: after all, I think we should _not_ just massage the rule set. I 
think we should look at the proposed Issue 116 first (if the Working 
Group accepts it, that is).

Indeed, it must be decided whether we want axiomatic triples in the 
first place and, if the decision on that question is 'yes', then which 
axiomatic triples we are talking about. Those may influence the rule set 
as it is now. Eg, not only could we add an axiomatic triple saying 
(owl:Class owl:sameAs rdfs:Class) for the Full version (which would 
solve the problem I raised), but by adding things like

(rdfs:subClassOf rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty)

some of the rules in the current rule set become superfluous.

But... the whole issue of how OWL-R-Full and OWL-R-DL relate to one 
another becomes then an issue, and we should carefully consider that, 
too... Ie, this warrants a more fundamental discussion in my view...



Alan Wu wrote:
> Ivan,
> I think you are right. In OWL Full, the extension of owl:Class should be 
> the same as the extension of rdfs:Class.
> That table 5 is for OWL-R Full anyway. So I don't worry that it gets out 
> of DL realm.
> Thanks,
> Zhe
> Ivan Herman wrote:
>> Alan,
>> The first rule in Table 5 of the profile document says
>> (?c rdf:type owl:Class) =>
>>     (?c rdfs:subClassOf ?c) and
>>     (?c owl:equivalentClasses ?c)
>> Isn't it necessary to have the same rule with rdfs:Class instead of 
>> owl:Class? Of course, that would lead out of the DL realm in the case 
>> of OWL-R-DL...:-(
>> Ivan


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 07:48:28 UTC