Re: Profiles intro

Carsten Lutz wrote:

> Apologies, but this seems like a very strong claim to me. There are
> different communities in this WG who come from different backgrounds.
> As I wrote in my previous mail, I have strong reservations against DL
> Lite and OWL-R as *ontology languages*. But still I don't claim that
> they are out of scope for this WG (which is about ontology languages),
> and I understand that they are useful in a context different from the
> one that I am interested in. Clearly, there are people using OWL in an
> RDF context, and there are people using OWL in other contexts. I feel
> that if we want to do a good job in this WG, we should try to appreciate
> and cater for all meaningful uses of OWL (at least as long as they
> don't interfere with the semantic web use).

This para got through to me.

Some say: **Web** ontology language
Others say: Web **ontology** language

if we start being too purist in requiring our starred item to be strong 
then we will disagree too much - consensus has to permit Web language 
with weak ontology, and ontology language with weak Web.


Received on Thursday, 10 April 2008 16:41:04 UTC