Re: roll call from F2F2

> Sandro Hawke wrote:
> > Yes.   I'm never quite sure what attendance data will be used for (which
> > makes me a little nervous).
> > 
> In theory, if a critical vote takes place when you aren't present it 
> clarifies why your strong objection went unrecorded at the time ...

[just brainstorming here...]

Now that we're recording positions on each resolution (via irc), this
may not matter in the same way.  It would be nice, at some point, to
have the system tracking who is Present but hasn't responded to a
Proposal.  That would avoid the weird timing issue where the chair
doesn't know when it's safe to say Resolved.   (ie, the system could
say: "still missing votes from HP, Manchester, and IBM", and eventually
"All votes in.   Resolution passes 13/3/0."

> There's also the notion of good standing ...

/me nods cautiously.

     -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2008 15:57:53 UTC