Re: roll call from F2F2

> I draw your attention to the Roll Call (both WG and observers)
> This appears to be (mis)duplicated at the top of the page.

I did that fairly carefully, but I may still have made mistakes.

> Ivan is not listed as present (but was present in part).

I don't think Ivan was ever on the call.    Ivan, if you were, please
add yourself to the Remote folks (perhaps with a note about when).

> The Roll Call perhaps does not correctly reflect day 2.

I'm not aware of any inaccuracies, except for people stepping out for
sections of the meeting, which I don't think need to be noted (although
if people want to note their absenses, that's fine).

> I note that despite caring that rolls are accurate, I don't recall it 
> ever being critical!

Yes.   I'm never quite sure what attendance data will be used for (which
makes me a little nervous).

      -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2008 15:45:25 UTC