ISSUE-112 (Universal property): Universal property (a.k.a. universal role) missing in current OWL2 documents

ISSUE-112 (Universal property): Universal property (a.k.a. universal role) missing in current OWL2 documents

Raised by: Markus Krötzsch
On product: 

The current OWL2 documents lack the notion of a universal property (a.k.a. "universal role", "top property"). Semantically, this object property is analogous to owl:Thing for classes, i.e. it interrelates all pairs of elements in the extension of Thing. 

The universal role is know to be unproblematic from a complexity and decidability point of view in DL, and its interpretation for OWL2 Full should also be straightforward. The universal property is useful both for conceptual reasons (as the root of the sub-propery tree), and for some modelling purposes (related to expressing certain rules in OWL2).

The main issue here is the choice of vocabulary names, since no obvious name is analogous to the existing Thing. Preliminary proposals in offline discussions have been things like "universalProperty", "thingProperty", "relatesTo", "topProperty".

Received on Friday, 4 April 2008 18:33:19 UTC