Re: ISSUE-109 (xmlnamespace): What is the namespace for elements and attributes in the XML serialization

From: OWL Working Group Issue Tracker <>
Subject: ISSUE-109 (xmlnamespace): What is the namespace for elements and attributes in the XML serialization
Date: Thu,  3 Apr 2008 14:32:39 +0000 (GMT)

> ISSUE-109 (xmlnamespace): What is the namespace for elements and
> attributes in the XML serialization
> Raised by: Bijan Parsia
> On product: 
> I would prefer that we use one namespace for everything and that that
> namespace is the old OWL namespace and that we use it for the XML syntax
> elements and attributes.

A big +1 for this!


Received on Thursday, 3 April 2008 15:03:51 UTC