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[CfP] 4th OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE) Workshop (with DL 2015) - 2nd call
Integrity constraints for OWL 2 / OWL 2 DL
CFP FCA4AI Workshop at IJCAI 2015 ``What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence?'' (4th Edition)
[ANN] 1st Cfp: Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web Conference, KESW-2015 (Moscow, Russia, September 30 - October 2, 2015)
2nd CfP: Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO), IJCAI-15, Buenos Aires
Pretty printing OWL FSS : request for preferences and samples
- Re: Pretty printing OWL FSS : request for preferences and samples
- Re: Pretty printing OWL FSS : request for preferences and samples
[CfP] 4th OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE) Workshop (with DL 2015)
Is it a redundancy? Indetected inconsistency?
- Re: Is it a redundancy? Indetected inconsistency?
- Re: Is it a redundancy? Indetected inconsistency?
CfP: 7th Workshop on Formal Ontologies meet Industry (FOMI 2015)
FW: [CSCC 2015]: Special Session - Intelligent System and Applications - Invitation for the Program Committee
OWL2DL ontology is a graph or a set of axioms?
- Re: OWL2DL ontology is a graph or a set of axioms?
- Re: OWL2DL ontology is a graph or a set of axioms?