Re: Concrete mixers


Just a quick comment: one reason for's seeming woolly-ness
regarding type/property associations is that the entire (1200+ term)
structure is being gradually evolved as new use cases and vocabulary
proposals are developed. Rather than e.g. on monday saying "author has
range Person" and then on tuesday refining that to say "well actually
we meant to say author has range Agent which has subtypes Person,
Organization", the approach is more like saying "author
kinda-goes-with Person", where kinda-goes-with (aka doesn't let you conclude much.
Otherwise parties who believed you on monday when you said that
authors are always people will be disappointed and confused to find a
tuesday-based description in which something is said to be written by
an Organization. You might reasonably respond that it would be better
to get the basic modeling right in the first place rather than make it
up as you go along, and in practice much of the schema now isn't
changing much so it could feasibly be documented more tidily and
marked as unlikely-to-change. But that was the basic thinking: things
were changing a lot, and we didn't want to bloat out the documentation
of an already large structure with additional 'modeling artifact'
types that were not expected to be used in actual instance data...


Received on Monday, 5 January 2015 09:15:10 UTC