Re: Inactive Specifcation Co-authors

Thanks Sergio.

I am certain he is active, as are Emil, Peter, Roman, Christoph and others but if we added everyone that is contributing, the author list would rapidly become unruly.

For me it's less about being active and more about who is doing (and continues to do) the lions share of the work, which is one reason I volunteered to be be removed as part of this proposal.


> On Aug 19, 2014, at 4:49 PM, Sergio Garcia Murillo <> wrote:
> For what is worth, I asked Iñaki a couple of weeks ago to get involved again in the development of the spec as part as his eface2face duties. So he should be active again :)
> Best regards
> Sergio
> P.S. I think that option 2 is fairer with the people that did the initial work.
>> On 19/08/2014 18:08, Erik Lagerway wrote:
>> In an effort to cut down on the amount of "noise" at the top of the spec, I would like to propose one of the following for us "inactive" spec co-authors (myself included):
>> 1. Removal of inactive spec co-authors. The thinking here is that co-authors that are no longer active should likely be removed.  The previous spec where they did contribute will still hold those names.
>> or
>> 2. List all inactive spec co-authors under a section at the bottom of the document labeled as "Previous Authors". Maybe just above the current References section would make the most sense?
>> Not trying to create a sh*t storm here, just thinking that its a bit imprecise the way it sits today.
>> Hoping the other co-authors will chime in here.
>> /Erik
>> Erik Lagerway  | Hookflash  | 1 (855) Hookflash ext. 2 | Twitter  | Blog  

Received on Wednesday, 20 August 2014 00:45:10 UTC