[ontolex] Multimodality telcos - **Call for Use Cases**

Dear OntoLex members,

Summary: We have a new series of joint telcos in OntoLex and NexusLinguarum
on the representation of multimodal data in lexical resources. These telcos
might lead to a new OntoLex extension. If you have a use case that requires
the modelling of multimedia, sign language or other forms of non-textual
information in dictionaries, terminologies, etc. and would like to be
involved, we would very much welcome your participation. Thank you!



As you might have seen in past email threads, we have recently started a new
series of telcos focused on multimodality in the context of OntoLex and
NexusLinguarum. These discussions originated in the development of the FrAC
module, but now are an independent series which might lead to a new
multimodality module for OntoLex. 


We are currently defining the scope and goals, with much attention to the
definition of "multimodality"  and "multimodal resources" that we aim to
address. Relations to other initiatives (e.g. LD4LT- Linguistic Annotation,
NexusLinguarum tasks, etc.) are also discussed. 


In order to continue these discussions in the most productive way and to be
able to detect challenges and potential extensions for the current model, we
will very much welcome information on use cases that require the
representation of multimodal data in lexical resources, including, for


* Multimedia (pictures, audio files, etc.) 
* Sign language content
* Other forms of non-textual information in lexical resources


As a side note, the annotation of multimodal corpora with Web Annotation is
not the focus of these telcos, but recording limitations you have come
across could be promising for future work in the LD4LT group (so do not
hesitate to reach out!).  In addition,  multimodality-related tooling could
also be addressed in these joint telcos as part of the work in
NexusLinguarum WG3.  


Telcos are announced via OntoLex and NexusLinguarum channels. The next one
takes place on April 21st, 11-12h. 


Best and thank you, 





Julia Bosque-Gil 

Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A)

University of Zaragoza

Pronouns: she/her


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Received on Monday, 22 March 2021 11:14:22 UTC