[ontolex] Discussion on two potential minor modifications to guidelines for ontolex:Form - W3C Day LDK'21

Dear all, 

During the last telco of the FrAC module we had a use case-based discussion
on ontolex:Form, with emphasis on the part of the specification that reads
"Different forms are used to express different morphological forms of the
entry. They should not be used to represent orthographical variants, which
should be represented as different representations of the same form".  


Since this specific section of the guidelines may pose limitations in some
use cases that would otherwise call for the use of ontolex:Form, a slight
modification of these two sentences was proposed during the last FrAC telco.
Details and general minutes are available here
uDIA/edit#heading=h.1chkbll88vam> , and some more context to that discussion
is provided in this email thread
<https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ontolex/2021Mar/0009.html> . 


This potential minor revision of the guidelines regarding ontolex:Form could
be a topic of discussion in the Face2Face meeting (already mentioned by
Jorge in the tentative list of topics sent out today). In addition to the
scenarios listed in the FrAC minutes document and the email thread mentioned
above, if any of you have also encountered any similar limitations regarding
the use of ontolex:Form for your particular use case, it could be great to
keep track of them, too. 


Best and thank you,





Julia Bosque-Gil 

Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A)

University of Zaragoza

Pronouns: she/her


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Received on Thursday, 18 March 2021 12:50:15 UTC