from October 2020 by subject

ANN: VocBench 3 v8.0.1 released

CALL for PAPERS - GWLN 2021 : 3rd Globalex Workshop on Lexicography & Neology - Focus on Corona-related neologisms

Call for Workshops and Tutorials - LDK 2021

CfP : Third Biennial Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK2021)

Final CfP - *Extended deadline*: Semantic Web Journal Special Issue "Latest Advancements in Linguistic Linked Data"

Frac module regular telco this Thursday, 29.10 + multimodal telco next Friday, 6.11

FrAC telco on multimodality, Thu 12:00-13:00 (Berlin time)

LexInfo feature collection

REMINDER & FINAL PROGRAM - Globalex Workshop on Lexicography and Neology - ONLINE - November 4


Last message date: Thursday, 29 October 2020 13:48:22 UTC