CfP : Third Biennial Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK2021)

[Apologies for crossposting]

Third Biennial Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK2021)
 Dates: 14 June 2021 (Workshop/Tutorials day), 15-16 June 2021 (Main Conference)
 Location: Zaragoza, Spain
 Website: <>
 Submission Deadline: 29 January 2021
 Submission page: <>

We invite submissions to the third biennial conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2021), which will be held in Zaragoza, Spain in June 2021. This conference aims at bringing together researchers from across disciplines concerned with the acquisition, curation and use of language data in the context of data science and knowledge-based applications. This builds upon the success of the inaugural event held in Galway, Ireland in 2017 and the second LDK in Leipzig, Germany in 2019.

Paper submission
We welcome submission of relevance to the topics listed below. Submissions can be in the form of:
Long research papers: 10-15 pages;
Short research or position papers: 6-8 pages;
Short scientific abstract submissions: be 4-6 pages.
Short abstracts on new challenges and research ideas (“Crazy New Ideas”): 1-4 pages

This year, we would like to propose a “Crazy New Ideas” session that will be the occasion to present challenging research ideas that have not yet been fully explored, or you would like to see in ten years from now. Such ideas should be briefly presented in the form of a short abstract of one to four pages to initiate the discussions, which will also be included in the conference proceedings if permitted by the authors. This is your chance to be creative without censorship. Reviews for these abstract will focus on the potential of ideas to spark interesting discussions.

All submissions lengths are given including references and optional appendices. Accepted submissions will be published by OASIcs in an open-access conference proceedings volume free of charge for authors.

The OASIcs layout templates to be used for submissions are available for download from : <>
As the reviewing process is single-blind, submissions should not be anonymized.

Papers should be submitted via EasyChair at the following address: <>

For each submitted paper, one author is expected to attend the conference and present their work. There will be no registration fee administered for LDK 2021.

Presentation format
Accepted submissions will be selected for oral or poster presentation based on recommendations from the reviewers. This decision will not reflect any difference in the quality of the papers, and there will be no distinction in the published volumes.
Authors of accepted short papers and scientific abstract are welcome to present their work as a demo in addition to the regular presentation.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register to present the paper at the conference.

Language Data
Language data construction and acquisition
Language data annotation
Language data portals and metadata about language data
Organizational and infrastructural management of language data
Multilingual, multimedia and multimodal language data
Evaluation, provenance and quality of language data
Usability, validation and visualization of language data
Standards and interoperability of language data
Legal aspects of publishing language data
Typological databases
Under-resourced languages

Knowledge Graphs
Linguistic Linked Data and Multilingual Semantic Web
Ontologies, terminology, wordnets and lexical resources
Information and knowledge extraction (taxonomy extraction, ontology learning)
Data, information and knowledge integration across languages
(Cross-lingual) Ontology Alignment
Entity linking and relatedness
Linked Data profiling
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Knowledge graphs for corpora processing and analysis

Applications for Language, Data and Knowledge
Question answering and semantic search
Text analytics on Big Data
Semantic content management
Computer-aided Language Learning
Natural language interfaces to Big Data
Knowledge-based NLP
Deep Learning and Machine Learning for and on LLOD
Other applications

Use Cases in Language, Data and Knowledge
Social Sciences and Humanities research enabled by digital approaches: digital arts, architecture, music, film, theatre, new media, digital games and cyberculture
Geo-humanities, spatial analysis and applications of GIS for Humanities research
Digital media, digitisation, curation of digital objects
Annotation, analysis, enrichment of text archives
Text and data mining for Social Sciences and Humanities research
Visualisation of Social Sciences and Humanities research
Text and data mining of (bio)medical literature, including pandemics
Other specific domain use cases (e.g. FinTech, Cybersecurity,...)

Keynote Speakers

We are proud to announce that Sara Tonelli, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Mathieu Lafourcade, LIRMM have agreed to give a keynote presentation at LDK 2021.

Organizing committee

Conference Chairs
John P. McCrae - National University of Ireland Galway
Thierry Declerck - DFKI GmbH
Program Chairs:
Dagmar Gromann - University of Vienna
Gilles Sérasset - University of Grenoble-Alpes
Workshop and tutorial chairs:
Sara Carvalho - University of Aveiro
Renato Rocha Souza - Austrian Academy of Sciences
Local Chairs:
Julia Bosque-Gil - University of Zaragoza
Fernando Bobillo - University of Zaragoza
Jorge Gracia - University of Zaragoza
Proceedings Chair:
Barbara Heinisch  - University of Vienna

Important Dates
5 February 2021: Paper submission deadline
26 March 2021: Notification
16 April 2021:  Camera-ready submission deadline
14 June 2021: Pre-conference events
15-16 June 2021: Main conference

All deadlines refer to anywhere-on-earth time.

Program Committee (to be completed)
Alessandro Adamou - The Open University
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles - IRIT CNRS
Denilson Barbosa - University of Alberta
Pierpaolo Basile - University of Bari
Valerio Basile - University of Turin
Martin Benjamin - Kamusi Project International
Michael Bloodgood - The College of New Jersey
Julia Bosque-Gil - Universidad de Zaragoza
Harry Bunt - Tilburg University
Aljoscha Burchardt - DFKI
Nicoletta Calzolari - Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (CNR)
Philipp Cimiano - Bielefeld University
Gerard de Melo - Rutgers University
Milan Dojchinovski - Czech Technical University
Maria Eskevich - CLARIN ERIC
Luis Espinosa-Anke - Cardiff University
Patrick Ernst - Amazon
Thierry Fontenelle - European Investment Bank
Francesca Frontini - Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale
Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira - University of Coimbra
Jeff Good - University at Buffalo
Debanjan Ghosh - Educational Testing Service
Eero Hyvönen - Aalto University and University of Helsinki (HELDIG)
Nancy Ide - Vassar College
Sepehr Janghorbani - Rutgers University
Besim Kabashi - Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Te Taka Keegan - Waikato University
Ilan Kernerman - K Dictionaries
Dimitris Kontokostas - University of Leipzig
Maria Koutraki - L3S Research Center, Leibniz University of Hannover
Udo Kruschwitz - University of Regensburg
Nikola Ljubešić - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Margot Mieskes - University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt
Steven Moran - University of Zurich
Diego Moussallem - Paderborn University
Alessandro Oltramari - Bosch Research and Technology Center
Petya Osenova - Sofia University and IICT-BAS
Bolette Pedersen - University of Copenhagen
Laurette Pretorius - University of South Africa
Gábor Prószéky - MorphoLogic & PPKE
Francesca Quattri - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Alexandre Rademaker - IBM Research Brazil and EMAp/FGV
Simon Razniewski - Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Georg Rehm - DFKI
Nils Reiter - Stuttgart University
Steffen Remus - University of Hamburg
Laurent Romary - INRIA & HUB-ISDL
Felix Sasaki - Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & TH Brandenburg
Andrea Schalley - Karlstad University
Max Silberztein - Université de Franche-Comté
Steffen Staab - Universität Stuttgart and University of Southampton
Armando Stellato - University of Rome
Stan Szpakowicz - University of Ottawa
Liling Tan - Nanyang Technological University
Ricardo Usbeck - Paderborn University
Marieke van Erp -KNAW Humanities Cluster
Marc Verhagen - Brandeis University
Karin Verspoor - The University of Melbourne
Serena Villata - CNRS
Piek Vossen - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Qian Yang - Duke University
Marcos Zampieri - University of Wolverhampton
Kalliopi Zervanou - Eindhoven University of Technology
Ziqi Zhang - Sheffield University

Dagmar Gromann and Gilles Sérasset (Program Chairs)

Dagmar Gromann
Assistant Professor Tenure-Track 
Centre for Translation Studies
University of Vienna 
Gymnasiumstraße 50
A-1190 Vienna, Austria

Received on Monday, 5 October 2020 13:00:49 UTC