Re: Help with modelling a Valency Lexicon using Ontolex

Dear all,

I set up a wiki page on the topic, to collect requirements and data  


Am .12.2020, 11:23 Uhr, schrieb Christian Chiarcos  

> Dear Francesco,
> the issue of representing semantic frames has also been surveyed in the  
> recent Pret-a-LLOD Report on Vocabularies for Interoperable Language  
> >Resources and Services (2020, available from  
>, see  sections 2.1.4  
> and 2.2.5), and we identified a need to >work on that topic. Similar to  
> what Alexander wrote, we identified PreMon as promising model vocabulary  
> and would recommend it for the time being. >However, with numerous use  
> cases (modelling FrameNet, PropBank and VerbNet, modelling Prague-style  
> semantic roles, modelling syntactic frames as in >synsem) it would be  
> beneficial to develop designated guidelines within OntoLex, e.g., by  
> doing a revision of the SynSem module.
> If we get approval for the OntoLex "face-to-face" (eventually maybe  
> "screen-to-screen") meeting at LDK, we could add a discussion there on  
> how to deal >with semantic frames in OntoLex to the agenda.
> Best,
> Christian
> Am .12.2020, 09:53 Uhr, schrieb Алик Кириллович  
> <>:
>> Dear Francesco,
>> As I know, OntoLex/Lemon doesn't provide the means for direct linking  
>> of a lexical sense (i.e. lexical unit in your terminology) with a  
>> syntactic frame.
>> To do this, some projects define their own custom properties (such as  
>> pdevl-s:frameSense in PDEV-Lemon), but, of course, this leads to  
>> interoperability >>issues.
>> I think using of PreMOn is a viable option. A lexical sense and a  
>> syntactic frame can be linked indirectly by the following chain:  
>> Lexical entry → Lexical >>sense → Synset (defined as a Lexical concept  
>> and a Semantic class) → Semantic argument → Syntactic argument →  
>> Syntactic frame.
>> According to this modelling pattern, a verb synset should be  
>> additionally defined as an instance of pmo:SemanticClass and be  
>> provided with semantic >>arguments. I think, pmo:SemanticClass fits  
>> quite well. SemanticClass can be used to model semantic frames. A  
>> semantic frame, in turn, is an event or a >>situation, and it is  
>> exactly what a verb synset represents.
>> With respect to your resource, the proposed pattern can be realized as  
>> follows:
>>> @base <>.
>>> @prefix rdfs: <>.
>>> @prefix skos: <>.
>>> @prefix ontolex: <>.
>>> @prefix synsem: <>.
>>> @prefix lexinfo: <>.
>>> @prefix pmo: <>.
>>> @prefix lwn: <LatinWordNet/ontology#> .
>>> #The "abduco" verb
>>> <LatinWordNet/id/LexicalEntry/l_86867>
>>>  a ontolex:LexicalEntry;
>>>  rdfs:label "abduco";
>>>  ontolex:canonicalForm  <data/id/lemma/86867>;
>>>  ontolex:sense
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/LexicalSense/l_86867_00173338-v>,
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/LexicalSense/l_86867_00783246-v>,
>>>    <...>;
>>>  synsem:synBehavior
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/SyntacticFrame/l_86867-frame1>,
>>>    <...>.
>>> #Its lexical sense   <LatinWordNet/id/LexicalSense/l_86867_00173338-v>
>>>  a ontolex:LexicalSense;
>>>  rdfs:label "Sense 00173338-v of abduco";
>>>  ontolex:isLexicalizedSenseOf
>>>    <>;
>>>  ontolex:isSenseOf
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/LexicalEntry/l_86867>.
>>> #A synset, provided by semantic arguments    
>>> <LatinWordNet/id/LexicalConcept/00173338-v>
>>>  a ontolex:LexicalConcept, pmo:SemanticClass;
>>>  rdfs:label "Removing event";
>>>  lwn:hyponym
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/LexicalConcept/01434278-v>,
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/LexicalConcept/01351170-v>,
>>>    <...>;
>>>  pmo:semRole
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/SemanticRole/00173338-v@act>,
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/SemanticRole/00173338-v@dir1>,
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/SemanticRole/00173338-v@dir3>,
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/SemanticRole/00173338-v@pat>;
>>>  ontolex:lexicalizedSense
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/LexicalSense/l_86867_00173338-v>,
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/LexicalSense/l_100998_00173338-v>,
>>>    <...>;
>>>  #External link to a WordNet synset
>>>  skos:closeMatch
>>>    <>.
>>> #A semantic argument
>>> <LatinWordNet/id/SemanticRole/00173338-v@act>
>>>  a pmo:SemanticRole;
>>>  rdfs:label "Agent of a Removing event";
>>>  #A thematic role of the argument, defined in the assumed LWN ontology
>>>  lwn:thematicRole lwn:act.
>>> #A syntactic frame
>>> <LatinWordNet/id/SyntacticFrame/l_86867-frame1>
>>>  a synsem:SyntacticFrame;
>>>  rdfs:label "Syntactic frame of the «abduco» verb in the 00173338-v  
>>> sense";
>>>  synsem:synArg
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/SyntacticArgument/l_86867-arg-1>,
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/SyntacticArgument/l_86867-arg-2>,
>>>    <...>.
>>> #A syntactic argument, linked to a semantic argument       
>>> <LatinWordNet/id/SyntacticArgument/l_86867-arg-1>
>>>  a synsem:SyntacticArgument;
>>>  rdfs:label "Subject of the «abduco» verb";
>>>  lexinfo:case lexinfo:nominativeCase;
>>>  #Mapping between the syntactic and semantic arguments
>>>  pmo:valueObj
>>>    <LatinWordNet/id/SemanticRole/00173338-v@act>.
>> Best,
>> Alexander Kirillovich
>> Kazan Federal University
>> вт, 15 дек. 2020 г. в 05:05, Francesco Mambrini  
>> <>:
>>> Dear all,
>>> sorry for the very long email. I would be very grateful if anybody  
>>> could give me some advice with the following problem.
>>> The rest of the LiLa Team and I are working on a new version of our  
>>> Latin Vallex lexicon that we want to publish as LLOD:
>>> The Latin Vallex describes the valency frame attached to possible  
>>> senses of a series of valency-capable words, which are for now limited  
>>> to verbs. >>>Each sense of a verb is assigned a valency frame that is  
>>> described with the appropriate set of semantic-role descriptors  
>>> (called "functors"; a list is >>>available here). Furthermore, we're  
>>> defining the senses in close connection with our new Latin WordNet.
>>> So, for instance, the verb "abduco" (remove) in the sense connected to  
>>> the synset "remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or  
>>> taking off, >>>or remove something abstract", is assigned a frame with  
>>> the roles: ACT (roughly: agent), DIR1 (direction from), DIR3  
>>> (direction to), PAT (roughly: >>>patient). Note that "functors" are  
>>> semantic, rather than syntactic, descriptors.
>>> Since the beginning our Vallex has been closely modeled on the Czech  
>>> Vallex:
>>> In the theoretical frame of Prague's Vallex, "valency frames" and  
>>> "roles" are assigned to "Lexical Units", i.e (quoting from the PDF  
>>> linked above) >>>"form-meaning complexes with (relatively) stable and  
>>> discrete semantic properties. Roughly speaking, LU can be understood  
>>> as a given word in the >>>given sense"; frames are defined locally for  
>>> each lexical unit (there are no general classes of frames or of words,  
>>> like VerbNet or Propbank classes).
>>> As all the LiLa resources are based on Ontolex, I am looking for any  
>>> Ontolex-based solution that would be coherent with the Lexicon as it  
>>> was >>>designed. Now, it seems to me that it would be relatively easy  
>>> to model it using the older classes and properties of Lemon, and  
>>> assigning semantic >>>roles to Ontolex senses (as was done with  
>>> UbyLemon, if I see it right).
>>> I have a much harder time figuring out how I can model this  
>>> information using SynSem now. One could theoretically say that the  
>>> Vallex model >>>presupposes a syntactic frame that is linked to a  
>>> semantic frame (the Czech Vallex does indeed link the two); but I am  
>>> quite at loss on how I could >>>model this semantic frame using  
>>> SynSem's ontology mapping, which seems designed to do other things.
>>> I have also considered Premon (, but I am not  
>>> sure that our lexicon really fits in there either, as Premon is  
>>> designed to work >>>especially with semantic classes (like FrameNet's  
>>> frames, or Propbank classes), which we don't have. Also, Premon  
>>> requires you to attach roles and >>>frames to Ontolex Lexical  
>>> Concepts, which is not what our Vallex does. The quoted definition of  
>>> "Lexical Unit" is, I think, compatible with an Ontolex >>>Sense, but  
>>> not at all with a Lexical Concept.
>>> So, this is why I would be extremely interested in learning of any  
>>> suggestion or any possible opinion fom you!
>>> Many thanks for your help.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Francesco

Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2020 16:30:58 UTC