Re: Face 2 Face Meeting II

Am .01.2019, 23:58 Uhr, schrieb Bettina Klimek  

> Hi all,
> unfortunately, it is not possible to have the meeting on the 23rd May at  
> the same location as the Dbpedia Meeting, because there are no rooms  
> available >anymore that I could book. Since it is within the semester I  
> do also have a very very low chance of getting a seminar room at the  
> University.
Ok, then 23rd is not an option, I try to join on May 20th, but we need to  
set up and to follow a strict agenda, in order to synchronize with the  
parallel workshops. I would welcome it if the discussion on future modules  
does not overlap with the TIAD half-day workshop.


> Regards,
> Bettina
> Am 29/01/2019 um 19:31 schrieb Christian Chiarcos:
>> Dear all,
>> I would like to participate, either in person or (as there are parallel  
>> workshops going on) with someone from my group. After the last f2f  
>> >>meeting, I started to develop a first draft for an ontolex module for  
>> frequency, attestations and corpus information. I'm still waiting for  
>> input >>from Fahad to integrate, but I would like to share the proposal  
>> before the meeting and to have it discussed there.
>> Wrt. parallel workshops: Would it make sense to have the meeting on May  
>> 23rd? It would still overlap with the DBpedia meeting at LDK, >>but  
>> maybe the overlap isn't as big as with WHISE or TIAD.
>> Best,
>> Christian
>> Am .01.2019, 15:56 Uhr, schrieb John P. McCrae  
>> <>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We are considering organizing a second Face 2 Face meeting of the  
>>> OntoLex group to be collocated with the Language, Data and  
>>> >>>Knowledge conference in Leipzig, Germany. This would likely be a  
>>> full-day meeting on the 20th May 2019.
>>>>>> This meeting would allow us to finalize the morphology module as  
>>>>>> well as work on examples of the lexicography module and plan future  
>>>>>> >>>modules.
>>> As with previous meetings, this would be open to anyone who is  
>>> interested in the model and would not be associated with any paper  
>>> >>>submission.
>>> If you have any comments on this, please let me know in the next few  
>>> weeks and then I will set up the registration.
>>> Regards,
>>> John
>> --
> --Bettina Klimek
> PhD Student
> Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
> Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI)
> Goerdelerring 9
> 04109 Leipzig
> Research Group:
> Homepage:,  
> http://linguistics.okfn.orgEvents:  12 -17 May 2019 "3rd Summer Datathon  
> on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD 2019)" 
>         20-22 May 2019 "LDK 2019 – 2nd Conference on Language, Data and  
> Knowledge"

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 06:01:44 UTC