Request for pointers to (preferably open/free) OntoLex-Lemon resources

Dear all

I'm interested in assessing the current landscape of OntoLex-Lemon
resources (e.g. ontology lexica, wordnets, etc...), with a preference for
resources that are freely available on the Web.

I've attempted to locate such resources by myself through linghub (, but I was not successful. In particular, using the
Web interface of linghub, I searched for the keyword "lemon" inside all
properties, but it seems to me that all returned resources are actually
based on monnet lemon. A similar search for the keyword "ontolex" returns a
few results (including the Lime module), which seem not relevant.

Can anyone share some links to resources that have been developed with

Manuel Fiorelli

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2016 21:35:03 UTC