Finalizing the LIME module

Hi Armando, Manuel, all,

I was attempting to figure out the differences between the proposal you
guys sent for LIME and the version on the wiki. As I see it the following
alignment is what we roughly agree on:

ConceptualizedLinguisticResource: Remove this class.
LexicalLinkset: Not in proposal... I remain unconvinced that this is really
useful but it does not seem completely useless, let's keep it.
LexicalizationSet: OK
Lexicon: Merge with Ontolex module
ResourceCoverage: Not in proposal, but OK.
avgNumOfLexicalizations: 'avgNumOfEntries' in proposal, I think
lexicalizations is a clearer name
class: As proposal
language: Merge with Ontolex module
lexicalEntries: OK
lexicalLinkset: see above
lexicalization: OK
lexicalizations: Not in proposal but useful
lexicalizedDataset: 'referenceDataset' in proposal (I prefer that name)
lexicalizedReferences: Not in proposal but useful
lexicon: OK (but we should consider a clearer name, e.g., lexiconDataset)
linguisticModel: Called 'lexicalModel' in proposal (I prefer linguistic).
Note this should be an annotation property.
percentage: OK
references: Not in proposal but OK
resourceCoverage: Called 'coverage' in proposal, we should keep this as it
is shorter and more distinct
senses: Not in proposal but OK

As such I attach what I would propose as a finalized version of Lime,
assuming you agree with what I stated above.


Received on Friday, 21 November 2014 13:52:44 UTC