2014-06-06 13:34 GMT+02:00 John P. McCrae <jmccrae@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de>:
> 1.3) Discussion: renaming property lexicalForm to simply "form"
> In *lemon *(OntoLex or Monnet) we have a common issue that we wish to
> call a property and a range the same thing. There is a solution to simply
> capitalizes the class e.g., (sense, Sense). We (Monnet) rejected this
> option as we felt it was not clear and may lead to technical issues. As
> such we generally inserted a word before the class name to help in
> disambiguation,
In addition to that, there is the issue, recently pointed out by Phil
Archer in their blog [1] regarding the fact that there are "languages that
does not have the concept of upper and lower case letters", which
dis-encourage the use of this pattern (distinguishing between
class/property by the capitalization).
Jorge Gracia, PhD
Ontology Engineering Group
Artificial Intelligence Department
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid