
Dear all,

after discussion with John, I propose we go with the following four 
variants + translation:

1) FormVariant: Relation between two forms of one lexical entry

2) LexicalVariant: Relation between two lexical entries that are related 
by some well-defined string-operation (e.g. creating an initialism like 
in FAO)

3) TerminlogicalVariant: Relation between two lexical senses (with the 
same reference) of two lexical entries; the lexical entries are thus 
uniquely determined; the senses might have different contextual and 
pragmatic conditions (register, etc.)

4) SemanticVariant: As 3) Relation between senses with references that 
are ontologically related, either by subsumption or are children of a 
common superconcept (see my paella and risotto example)

5) Translation: As with 3), but involving entries from different languages.

So we would have one relation between forms (FormVariant), one relation 
between lexical entries (LexicalVariant), and three relations at the 
sense level (TerminologicalVariant, SemanticVariant and Translation).

We might think about introducing a SenseRelation as a superclass of 
TerminologicalVariant, SemanticVariant and Translation. Hypernym and 
Hyponym would also be a SenseRelation in this sense.

As already mentioned, I will not be available today for the telco, but 
my suggestion is that this proposal is discussed. The definitions follow 
straightforwardly I think.




Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano

Phone: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 12412

Forschungsbau Intelligente Systeme (FBIIS)
Raum 2.307
Universität Bielefeld
Inspiration 1
33619 Bielefeld

Received on Friday, 7 February 2014 07:12:58 UTC