RE: Welcome to Community Group on Ontology-Lexica

Dear all,

I'm a post-doctoral researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Research Group
of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. My Phd thesis was on " Alignment and
Mediation of Distributed Information Sources in the Semantic Web" and based
on the hypothesis that shareability and integration should be supported from
the early development stage of ontologies, when "linguistically motivated"
conceptual resources can better explain themselves both for machines (more
linguistic anchors --> easier automatic matching/mapping) and humans
(informal lexical descriptions help to restrict the range of interpretations
given by humans even beyond those imposed by the formal restrictions).

I'm also consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the
United Nations, and actively working on:
1) porting to Linked Open Data of their vocabularies and thesauri (AGROVOC,
BIOTECH) and data, moving to RDF from their legacy models. The last SKOS-XL
incarnation of AGROVOC is currently on the LOD Cloud
2) supporting development of Collaborative (Multilingual) Thesauri Editing

In my research and work, I've "felt" need for more elaborated onto-lexica
standards and inadequateness of current standards from many perspectives. In
particular, to give one which has not always been underlined:
>From an engineering point, we need ways to easily reuse the many different
existing lexical resource models and to be able to cover them under a
unifying umbrella.
Ontology Developers should get tools capable of easily importing information
from arbitrary lexical resources and be able to link their resources to
these lexical entries, from mere words, which may "lose contact" with the
resource they come from, to other identifiers which may need to preserve
their original nature, such as synsets for wordnet. While the idea of using
wordnet-synsets (just an example) as an interlingua may be fool, surely two
ontologies explicitly linked through these identifiers may rely on a less
ambiguous common (sill linguistic) ground for communicating.
To avoid confusion: this does not cover the realization of a new lexicon
model (which, following [1], is out of the scope of this WG) but of a proper
onto-linguistic interface covering issues such as:
1) proper wrapping (least possible information loss) of existing resources
2) linking conceptual resources (OWL, SKOS ones) to them
and the standardization of vocabularies for making these wraps/links
Some of my works [2, inside that, pointers to previous ones] are related to
the above aspects.

The work with FAO can possibly provide test scenarios, and I would be
tempted to provide the first release of a widely known resource such as
AGROVOC by remodeling it according to the very last model for onto-lexica
integration and, most of all, to support development for this language
through FAO and TorVergata tools (see vocbench [3] and Semantic Turkey [4])
In our experience, SKOS (and in particular, the SKOS-XL extension foreseeing
reified labels) has satisfied many of our requirements, though I still feel
unsatisfied about a few aspects which still seem to diminish the linguistic
relevance in knowledge modeling (no details here, time for discussion in the
future :-) ).


Armando Stellato

Community_Group (section Scope)

[2] Maria Teresa Pazienza, Armando Stellato, Andrea Turbati Linguistic
Watermark 3.0: an RDF framework and a software library for bridging language
and ontologies in the Semantic Web. Semantic Web Applications and
Perspectives, 5th Italian Semantic Web Workshop (SWAP2008) FAO-UN, Rome,
Italy, 15-17 December, 2008



> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:public-ontolex-
>] On Behalf Of Philipp Cimiano
> Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 8:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: Welcome to Community Group on Ontology-Lexica
> Dear members of the Ontology-Lexica Community Group (resending this
> email with an appropriate Subject),
> First of all, the chairs would like to welcome to everybody on this
> list. We have by now 29 members in the group, which is very nice. I
> think it would be nice if everybody could write a brief email
> introducing themselves and mentioning sth. about their background, what
> they are working on and why they are interested in this group. This
> would help everybody to get a feeling for the members of the group.
> Further, we have started to produce some preliminary material for the
> group. As you know, there is a wiki (MediaWiki) that we can all use to
> work together.
> i) You will find the statement of the mission of the group here:
> Lexica_Community_Group
> ii) You will find a proposal for a schedule that we can use to
> structure
> our work. This needs to be thoroughly discussed at one of our first
> telcos. The proposal of the chairs and other involved people is to
> start
> defining use cases from which we can derive requirements on the model
> later. I think this is a very pragmatic way of kicking of the work that
> will help us to stay focused and concrete.
> iii) We have already added a few use cases that I think are relevant
> and
> that the ontology-lexicon model should support:
> comments are of course welcome. If you have comments on the format of
> the use case descriptions, please let me know. I think it is important
> that we have some common format for these use case descriptions and I
> do
> think that it is important to make these use cases as concrete as
> possible (also with concrete examples) to facilitate discussion.
> Our plan is to have a first teleconference to kick-off the work of this
> group. We will arrange this for end of October/early November at the
> very latest.
> In the meantime, I would really appreciate if everybody could introduce
> themselves.
> Best regards,
> Philipp.
> --
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> Semantic Computing Group
> Excellence Cluster - Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
> University of Bielefeld
> Phone: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 12412
> Mail:
> Room H-127
> Morgenbreede 39
> 33615 Bielefeld

Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2011 13:28:40 UTC