Re: How can recurrent temporal constraints be expressed ?

Dear Sridhar,

My two cents:

What about using an RFC 5545 recurrent pattern?

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Set",
  "uid": "example",
  "permission": [{
      "target": "asset,
     "action": "display",
     "constraint": [{
            "leftOperand": "dateTime",
            "operator": "gte",
            "rightOperand":  { "@value": 
            "leftOperand": "count",
            "operator": "leq",
            "rightOperand":  "5",
            "dct:comment": "At most 5 tims"


El 14/05/2024 a las 13:55, Sridhar Krishnamurthy escribió:
> Dear All,
> Consider the following:
> An agent wants to restrict/constrain the usage of some content to 
> maximum 5 times in
> a given period with a frequency limit of not more than once in a month.
> The questions that arise here are:
> (1) Does ODRL address such restrictions or is it outside the scope ?
> (2) If ODRL addresses such restrictions then
>     (a) Which Common Vocabulary elements can/should be used ?
>         - example: Count (
>     (b) Are there any Profiles that relate to this kind of use case ?
>         ( ?
>     (c) How can recurrent temporal events be addressed ?
>         - recurrent events in the Calendar scope are dealt in
>           - 
> and
>         - I am unable to see how these are being addressed in 
>           which I hoped to use to express such constraints/refinements.
>         - Can/Should these be handled through something like 
> processing instructions
>           ( ?
> I may be forgiven for my questions raising from my lack of comprehensive
> understanding of specifications.
> regards
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> Company. 

Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel
D2110 - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
ETS de Ingenieros Informáticos
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 13:24:08 UTC