ODRL Profile for Data Sovereignty

Dear ODRL Community Group,

We would like to register our ODRL profile. Here are the needed details of the profile:

  *   Business name of the profile:
     *   ODRL Profile for Data Sovereignty
  *   Name and web URL of the party having created and planning to maintain the profile
     *   Arghavan Hosseinzadeh, Jessica Chwalek, Robin Brandstädter from Fraunhofer IESE (https://www.iese.fraunhofer.de/)
  *   Identifier of the profile
     *   ODS
  *   URL of the human-readable specification document
     *   https://profile.mydata-control.de/ods/
     *   https://github.com/Fraunhofer-IESE/ODS/
  *   URL of the OWL Ontology and the name of the used format
     *   RDF/Turtle: https://github.com/Fraunhofer-IESE/ODS/blob/main/ods-profile.ttl?raw=true

Please, let us know if you need any further information.

Thank you and best regards
Arghavan Hosseinzadeh

Arghavan Hosseinzadeh
Senior Security Engineer
Dept. Security Engineering

Fraunhofer IESE
Fraunhofer-Platz 1 | 67663 Kaiserslautern
+49 631 6800-2169

++ Data sovereignty with the help of Data Usage Control ++<https://www.iese..fraunhofer.de/en/services/security/cyber-security/usage_control.html>

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2024 16:44:07 UTC