Guidance on using ORDL for Archival Records

Hi there,

I am working with The National Archives in the UK and I have been
looking into ORDL for the purpose of describing the access rights of
'members of the public' to Archival Records.

At the moment our access conditions are relatively simple. A record is
considered to have either:

1. Open Document and Open Description
2. Closed Document and Open Description
3. Closed Document and Closed Description

The "Description" is the metadata about the document, for example:
"This record contains details of some person at some time on the topic
of something", whereas the "Document" is the actual paper (or digital)
document itself.

The public 'members of the public' are only allowed unfettered access
to "Open" Descriptions and/or "Descriptions".

When Documents or Descriptions are "Closed", they have criteria about
when they will be reviewed for "Opening", or when they will naturally
transition to become "Open".

At the moment our needs are quite modest, however we want to be able
to add more complex rules in future, hence the look at ORDL.

I am looking for some guidance on whether I am using ORDL correctly or not?

I have attempted to model some examples of policies for our records.
The examples are expressed in Turtle RDF.

Firstly we have some basic actions and general policies:

# Example 1 - for Record10 which is "Open Immediatedly", and therefore
"Open Document, Open Description"
  a ordl:Action ;
  ordl:includedIn ordl:read ;
  dct:description "The action of reading the description of a Document" ;

  a ordl:Action ;
  ordl:includedIn ordl:read ;
  odrl:implies cat:read-description ; # NOTE: Reading a document
implies reading description
  dct:description "The action of reading a Document" ;

  a ordl:Set ;
  ordl:profile ;
  ordl:assigner cat:TNA ;
  dct:creator cat:TNA ;
  dct:description "Base policy for records of The National Archives";

  a ordl:Offer ;
  dct:creator cat:TNA ;
  dct:description "Policy for reading the record"; # e.g. Open
Document, Open Description
  ordl:inheritFrom cat:base-records-policy ;
  ordl:action cat:read-document ;

  a ordl:Offer ;
  dct:creator cat:TNA ;
  dct:description "Policy for reading the description of a record"; #
e.g. Closed Document, Open Description
  ordl:inheritFrom cat:base-records-policy ;
  ordl:action cat:read-description ;

Then we have some concrete examples of describing policies for each record:

# Example 1. For Record10 which is "Open Immediately", and therefore
"Open Document, Open Description"
  a ordl:Offer ;
    dct:description "Open Immediately" ;
    ordl:inheritFrom cat:read-document-policy ;
    ordl:permission [
    a ordl:Permission ;
    ordl:target cat:Record10 ;
  ] ;

# Example 2. For Record30 which is "Closed whilst access is reviewed"
and therefore "Closed Document, Closed Description"
  a ordl:Offer ;
  dct:description "Closed whilst access is reviewed" ;
  ordl:inheritFrom cat:read-document-policy ;
  ordl:prohibit [
    a ordl:Prohibition ;
    ordl:target cat:Record30 ;
  ] ;

# Example3 . For Record60 which is "Closed until" and considered
"Closed Document, Open Description"
  a ordl:Offer ;
  dct:description "Closed until 2099" ; # TODO is there a better way
to hold the year?
  ordl:inheritFrom cat:read-document-policy ;
  ordl:conflict perm ;
  ordl:prohibit [
    a ordl:Prohibition ;
    ordl:target cat:Record60 ;
    ordl:constraint [
      a ordl:Constraint ;
      dct:description "Record Opening Date" ;
      ordl:leftOperand ordl:dateTime ;
      ordl:operator ordl:le ;
      ordl:rightOperand "2099-01-01"^xsd:date ;
    ] ;
  ] ;
  ordl:permission [
    a ordl:Permission ;
    dct:description "Open Description" ;
    ordl:action cat:read-description-policy ; # TODO does this
override the prohibition of  cat:read-description-policy which is
inheited above, as we also used `ordl:conflict perm` above?
    ordl:target cat:Record60 ;
  ] ;

The question I have are:

1. Do these examples look sensible in the way that we have used ORDL?
2. In Example 3, is there a better way to express the 2099 years as
opposed to writing it in the description?
3. In Example 3, whilst the ordl:prohibit blocks reading the document
(as that action is inherited) and blocks reading the description (as
that action is implied in the inherited action), does the
ordl:permission correctly override that to just allow reading the

Thanks for your time. Adam.

Adam Retter
Director @ Evolved Binary

Received on Friday, 17 April 2020 19:06:07 UTC