How to proceed with ODRL Profile Best Practice document

Hi all,

as the editor of the (unofficial) draft of the ODRL Profile Best Practice
document -  <> - I raise the question: how to

*	In the September call we discussed the draft, I applied minor
changes after the call.
A goal was to get a thumbs up of the W3C Profile Vocabulary people regarding
the parts about this (draft) specification.
Jaroslav Pullmann said he will contact Nic Car and Rob Atkinson …
*	I missed the October call, further discussion about the BP draft was
delayed to the next call
*	In the November call a new approach to Profiles was discussed.


Simple questions:

*	Does the ODRL CG still support the “old” Profile as defined in the
ODRL 2.2 Recommendation?
*	If yes: 

*	There is some group-homework pending, see the missing <tbd> data in
(Open issue: which documents should be linked there, what issue date should
be set.)
*	How to get thumbs up from the W3C Profile Vocabulary people?
*	Does anything else but the W3C Profile Vocabulary part need a
discussion or can it be assumed as “agreed”?

*	If no: then I withdraw this draft and the outlined new kind of
Profile needs to be discussed and approved first.


Would be great to put this on the agenda of the December call, next Monday,
1st December.






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Michael W. Steidl

Email: mwsteidl@ <> 

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Received on Friday, 29 November 2019 09:40:26 UTC