Recurring Teleconference Poll

Dear all, at our first call [1] we decided to have a monthly teleconference to track our progress on activities.

In addition, since our members cover a wide time-zone range, the best option to enable more members to participate is to alternate the times each month to those that suit the EU/Asia members, and those from the Americas/EU (the overlap is the majority of members in the EU).

From the last poll, it seems that 12:00 UTC is a popular time for the EU/Asia members.

So now we need two more polls:

1) Which day of the week to hold the recurring call each month.

Please vote here: <>

Note: this is to determine if you prefer a Monday, Tuesday etc on the 1st, 2nd, etc week of the month.

2) Which time for Americas/EU members:

Please vote here: <>
(ignore the days, just respond on the times)

Please vote for all your best combinations...

Cheers - Renato

[1] <>

Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 12:22:23 UTC