Re: W3C WG Update

By adding a context to the existing JSON document, transformations are 

For example, this is the RDF for example of use #1 

|@prefix odrl: <> .

	a odrl:Set;
	odrl:permission [
		a odrl:Permission ;
		odrl:target <> ;
		odrl:action odrl:reproduce
	] ;
	odrl:prohibition [
		a odrl:Prohibition ;
		odrl:target <> ;
		odrl:action odrl:modify
	] .|

By using a converter tool (for example the one at, we obtain the JSON-LD equivalent....

     "@id": "_:b0",
     "@type": [
     "": [
         "@id": ""
     "": [
         "@id": ""


Which is indeed different from the ODRL JSON serialization 

     "policytype": "",
     "policyid": "",
     "permissions": [{
         "target": "",
         "action": ""
     "prohibitions": [{
         "target": "",
         "action": ""

However, this JSON can be transformed to JSON-LD by adding a context:

   "@context": {
     "rdf": "",
     "odrl": "",
     "policytype": { "@id": "rdf:type",  "@type": "@id" },
     "permissions": { "@id": "odrl:permission",  "@type": "@id" },
      "target" : {"@id": "odrl:target",  "@type": "@id" },
      "action" : {"@id": "odrl:action",  "@type": "@id" }
   "@graph": [
         "@id": "",
          "policytype": "",
          "permissions": [{
               "target": "",
               "action": ""

And then we can then create RDF from the JSON form...

|@prefix odrl: <> .

<> a odrl:Set .
<> odrl:permission _:perm0 .
_:perm0 odrl:action <> .
_:perm0 odrl:target <> .|

Very interesting, though...

Víctor and Nandana

El 06/11/2015 a las 0:05, Renato Iannella escribió:
>> On 5 Nov 2015, at 2:54 AM, Myles, Stuart < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> So, given this, and given that the at least some of the current 
>> implementations of ODRL 2.1 support JSON already, can we get the W3C 
>> to retain the existing format?
> Does it make sense to then have two encodings? (one for JSON, and one 
> for JSON-LD)
> Or...Can we automatically serialise the JSON-LD from the ODRL OWL 
> ontology?
> *Renato Iannella*
> /Head of Innovation and Emerging Technologies, /*KnowledgeFlux*
> Level 7, 100 Edward St, Brisbane 4000 AUSTRALIA +61 4 1313 2206

Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel
D3205 - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
ETS de Ingenieros Informáticos
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, Spain
Tel. (+34) 91336 3753
Skype: vroddon3

Received on Friday, 6 November 2015 12:03:47 UTC