Re: Question about ODRL 2.0 Common Vocabulary

> I wrote you this email for clarify, if I am allowed, a few doubt about ODRL 2.0 Common Vocabulary and the possibility to extend this vocabulary with dedicated profiles.

ODRL Version 2.x now supports multiple encoding syntaxes, so there is no single answer to profiling/extensions.
With version 1.1 we only had XML (and who would have thought that was no longer going to be sufficient these days ;-)
So we used the XML Schema features for extension (as Alapan indicated, see the OMA DRM spec for an example, and the ODRL1.1/CC Profile [1]).

In ODRL V2.x we moved to using URIs for "everything" - and this works better now with multiple encoding syntaxes.
So a simple Profile means declaring which new URIs you require for your community.
You can also study the IPTC RightsML Profile [2] which is bit more complex.

Renato Iannella
Semantic Identity  +61 4 1313 2206
Chair, W3C ODRL Community Group


Received on Friday, 27 February 2015 04:11:51 UTC