Core Model Clarification - Asset and Party

I would like to propose that we more clearly articulate what we mean by Asset and Party.
Primarily so that audiences can understand the broad scope of ODRL policy expressions (which can then be narrowed, if required, in ODRL Profiles)

1 - Asset

Currently defined as: 
"The Asset entity is aimed at identifying the content that is the subject of an ODRL policy, e.g. a media file or ebook"

Proposed new definition:
"The Asset entity is the subject of an ODRL policy expression that permissions and prohibitions are applied to. The Asset entity can be any form of identifiable resource, such as data/information, content/media, applications, or services."

2 - Party

Currently defined as:
"The Party entity is aimed at identifying a person, group of people, or organisation. The Party must identify a (legal) entity that can participate in policy transactions"

Proposed new definition:
"The Party entity is the object of an ODRL policy that performs (or not performs) actions or has a role in a Duty. The Party entity can be any form of identifiable entity, such as a person, group of people, organisation, or agent. An agent is a person or thing that takes an active role or produces a specified effect."

Comments and feedback welcome...

Renato Iannella
Semantic Identity
Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206

Received on Friday, 5 September 2014 02:18:51 UTC