Re: odrl-ISSUE-18: Single URI Namespace

Following up this issue [1] and the last meeting minutes [2] on advantages/benefits of a single URI namespace and implications of not adopting for ontology

Advantage: you don’t have to remember which term/class/property is in which namespace. Part of the reason for unifying them was precisely that — there are terms where it’s easy to forget which one they live in. As a side-effect, of course, everything’s in one place as a human, too.

Negative: if it grows significantly, it may become unwieldy… but that seems a bit unlikely given the current size of the ontology — certainly not problematic today with tool support.

Another indicator is that all of the latest Ontologies from W3C (eg PROV, ORG, DCAT, Data Cube) are all using a single URI namespace, and one of our strategic directions is to promote our specs thru the more formal W3C process (eventually).

Renato Iannella
Semantic Identity
Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206


Received on Thursday, 30 January 2014 04:26:34 UTC