Re: Review of Action Vocabulary and proposed changes by IPTC

I think we may have added terms in "haste" a few years back...that we should now reconsider.
As a principle, we should allow external communities to manage and define their relevant semantics.

1 - OMA adHocShare

I really can find that term in the current OMA REL specs. I recommend we remove from our Vocab.

2 - ONIX extract/Char/Word/Page

Apart from "extract" (which we had in V1.1 as "excerpt"), we should remove the three specific actions (extractChar, extractWord, extractPage).
If there is a future requirement/demand from the ONIX community, then we should then develop an ONIX/ODRL Profile with these terms (and maybe others).

3 - Creative Commons - we adopted a few terms from their licenses, which I propose we move to the ODRL/CC Profile [1].

Specifically these CC concepts:
   attachPolicy (cc:Notice)
   attachSource (cc:SourceCode)
   shareAlike (cc:ShareAlike)
   commercialize (cc:CommercialUse)

We should keep these more common concepts:
   attribute (add a sameAs cc:Attribution) as we also have attributedParty function
   reproduce (add a sameAs  cc:Reproduction)
   derive (add a sameAs  cc:DerivativeWorks)
   distribute (add a sameAs  cc:Distribution)

We should remove "share" as there is no such semantic in CC licenses.



Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2014 06:01:00 UTC