from January 2021 by subject

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: HTML Review Draft — Published 29 January 2020 is W3C Proposed Recommendation'

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: Web Performance Working Group Charter'

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: WebRTC 1.0: Real-Time Communication Between Browsers is a W3C Proposed Recommendation'

Automotive Working Group Charter extended until 2021-03-31

Browser Testing and Tools Working Group Charter extended until 31 March 2021

Call for Participation: MiniApps Working Group Charter Approved

Call for Participation: WAI Interest Group Charter Approved

Document Services Community Group Proposed

TDM Reservation Protocol Community Group created

TDM Reservation Protocol Community Group Proposed

Universal Safety Net for Online Learning Community Group Proposed

Web of Things Japanese Community Group created

Web of Things Japanese Community Group Proposed

Web-Native Community Group created

Last message date: Thursday, 28 January 2021 18:37:17 UTC