from March 2018 by subject

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: CSS Color 3 is W3C Proposed Recommendation'

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: JSON-LD Working Group Charter'

Extension of Deadline: Upcoming W3C Workshop on Web5G: Aligning evolutions of network and Web technologies, 10-11 May

Proposed W3C Charter: Automotive Working Group (until 2018-04-19)

Proposed W3C Charter: JSON-LD Working Group (until 2018-04-29)

Proposed W3C Charter: Web Accessibility Initiative Interest Group (WAI IG) (until 2018-03-29)

Proposed W3C Charter: Web Payments Working Group (until 2018-02-05)

Web Payments Working Group re-chartered

Work in Progress on Distributed Tracing Working Group Charter (Advance Notice)

Last message date: Friday, 30 March 2018 09:25:04 UTC