I think its important to define codename(s) for the standard(s) this
group is trying to create. These names need not be the name(s) of the
final standard(s), but we need something to work with. Since these names
are not to be considered final, I don't think we need to worry too much
about getting them right. That can be left for later.
Maybe we could decide tomorrow how many codenames we need, and what they
should be. Here are my suggestions.:
I think we need to define /two/ standards, since we are considering two
different scenarios:
Scenario 1: An interchange format that can be used by applications that
CREATE scores. This will be a development of MusicXML. Suggested
codename: *MintXML* (Music INTerchange XML) -- I'd like to keep the look
and feel of the parent standard's name. Also, I like the hidden
reference to indivisible /*int*/s... :-)
Scenario 2: A score format that can be USED by various applications
(printing, on the web etc.). I think this should be SVG extended to
contain MIDI information. Suggested codename: *SVG-MIDI*.
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
All the best,