Re: MusicXML and MIDI

Hi Michael, Joe, all,

Michael: I was writing this when your post arrived...

Here's a new use case (Joe, maybe you could add it to the list):

MC12: /Composer wants to write in terms of tempi and arbitrarily nested 

C is a member of the "New Complexity" school (Ferneyhough etc.)


Consider the simplest case: triplets of triplets (Brahms)

It saves a lot of hassle, if the duration class of each note (its 
graphical appearance) is calculated independently of its duration (the 
temporal info).
If C stipulates a tempo of 60 crotchets per minute, then its easy to 
calculate the millisecond durations of the nine notes. All but one of 
them will be 111ms, the other one will be 112ms.
Yes, MIDI timings are indivisible *integers*. MIDI-tempo is 1000Hz.

Such an application could give C the opportunity to tweak the durations 
if he really wants to...

all the best,

Received on Thursday, 7 April 2016 07:57:36 UTC