title of high level usage scenarios doc (Re: Urgent: "status of this document" section)

Hi Christian, putting the public list into the loop since the whole 
group needs to see this proposal,

all: Christian proposed to have a new title

I hope that the title can stay as is, and as has been discussed for a 
long time - see

I would disagree with a titel change. I very much hope that we can 
publish with the title as discussed. Otherwise I would vote against a 

I am confused about the timing of this proposal - why now, in "last second"?



Am 06.03.13 12:09, schrieb Lieske, Christian:
> Hi Felix/all,
> I think we currently have an inconsistency wrt. the document title:
> 	Is: Metadata for the Multilingual Web - Usage Scenarios and Implementations
> 	Proposal made for STOD: High-level Usage Scenarios and Implementation Reports for Internationalization Tag Set 2.0
> 	Document body: This document describes use cases for ITS 2.0 metadata.
> I would vote for "High-level Usage Scenarios and Implementation Reports for Internationalization Tag Set 2.0".
> Rationale: "Metadata for the Multilingual Web" is far more than ITS 2.0. Other WGs or entities outside of the W3C may not be happy ...
> Cheers,
> Christian

Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 13:01:11 UTC