- From: Felix Sasaki <fsasaki@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:20:56 +0100
- To: "public-multilingualweb-lt@w3.org" <public-multilingualweb-lt@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <51349FB8.7040004@w3.org>
Hi all, the preparation call minutes are at http://www.w3.org/2013/03/01-mlw-lt-minutes.html and below as text. Sorry for the delay. Short summary: - We decided that for demos that encompass various components a recorded screencast is better so that we can be sure about the time. We said that Cocomore (Clemens) and the SOLAS demo (David, Dave?) should have a screencast. The screencast should be provided by 8 March 2 p.m. UTC, that is for the group to review during the next prep call. - People should use MLW-LT slide template for luxembourg, see http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Rome-lux-prep http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Feb/att-0156/slides-template-v1.pptx - The "text analysis presentation": all should think about adding (more + also potential) consumption scenarios for text analyiss to your slides; Tadej can think about related references from his presentation. - The MT harvesting presenstation: Ankit doesn't need to include a WP formal presentation, but "just" infos about the topic. Felix will cover the WP admin part (time line change etc.) - We will have one more call this week Friday 1 p.m. UTC. Topic will be the presentation that haven't been finished so far plus videos. Best, Felix [1]W3C [1] http://www.w3.org/ - DRAFT - MLW-LT WG 01 Mar 2013 [2]Agenda [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Feb/0321.html See also: [3]IRC log [3] http://www.w3.org/2013/03/01-mlw-lt-irc Attendees Present felix, Yves, Ankit, dF, tadej, mdelolmo, Pedro, daveLewis, Milan, Declan, Clemens, philr Regrets Chair felix Scribe various Contents * [4]Topics 1. [5]Simple Machine Translation, Translation Package Creation, Quality Check - ENLASO 2. [6]CMS implementation of ITS2.0. CMS to TMS System: Drupal to GBC Server / PLINT - Cocomore / Linguaserve 3. [7]Online MT System Internationalization: ATLAS PW1 / Lucy LT / MaTrEx in www.agenciatributaria.es - Linguaserve / Lucy / DCU 4. [8]Online MT System Internationalization: 5. [9]Text Analytics in ITS 2.0: Annotation of Named Entities - JSI 6. [10]Reviewer's Workbench 7. [11]ITS 2.0 Metadata and Machine Translation - DCU 8. [12]HTML-to-TMS Roundtrip using XLIFF with CMS-LION and SOLAS TCD/UL 9. [13]- where to put posters? - how to integrate other partners? - what to do in 2013 and beyond? 10. [14]one more call * [15]Summary of Action Items __________________________________________________________ Simple Machine Translation, Translation Package Creation, Quality Check - ENLASO <fsasaki> yves giving presentation <fsasaki> comment on presentation from yves - reviewers probably don't know the idea of "domain mapping" - may need to explain that briefly <fsasaki> pedro: business part? <fsasaki> yves: is in two slides of the presentation <fsasaki> .. very generic business value <Declan> agree - good to have mixture of more technical presentations together with business-focused presentations. Very reflective of the project <fsasaki> +1 to declan CMS implementation of ITS2.0. CMS to TMS System: Drupal to GBC Server / PLINT - Cocomore / Linguaserve <fsasaki> clemens presenting cocomore slides <fsasaki> I like the "saving time" slides <fsasaki> it might make sense to have no demo in the presentation, to safe some time <fsasaki> dave: quantification of business benefits are very good <fsasaki> .. will you use mlw-lt template? <fsasaki> clemens: wasn't aware of that <fsasaki> david: need parts like like european flag <fsasaki> [16]http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Rom e-lux-prep [16] http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Rome-lux-prep <fsasaki> [17]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb- lt/2013Feb/att-0156/slides-template-v1.pptx [17] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Feb/att-0156/slides-template-v1.pptx <fsasaki> [18]http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Rom e-lux-prep#Draft_agenda [18] http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Rome-lux-prep#Draft_agenda <fsasaki> pedro: to discuss - we prepared a built. Doing in real time takes longer <fsasaki> .. for luxembourg we could do this in a film <fsasaki> cocomore and linguaserve to have a film about their technical interaction <fsasaki> pedro: for luxembourg we have to pay attention to time <fsasaki> film finished by friday 8 march? Online MT System Internationalization: ATLAS PW1 / Lucy LT / MaTrEx in www.agenciatributaria.es - Linguaserve / Lucy / DCU <fsasaki> mauricio presenting screen capture <fsasaki> pedro: two other videos <fsasaki> .. about pre- and postprocessing Online MT System Internationalization: <fsasaki> pedro showing demo <fsasaki> connection to dcu server gives an error - needs to be fixed for demo <fsasaki> slides for client in rome - will use [19]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb- lt/2013Feb/att-0156/slides-template-v1.pptx for luxembourg [19] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multilingualweb-lt/2013Feb/att-0156/slides-template-v1.pptx <fsasaki> good to emphasize: the need for the metadata was clear for the linguaserve client - case before MLW-LT <fsasaki> need to allow time for q/a <fsasaki> use 10 min tech demo, 10 min business <fsasaki> emphasize also what is *not* yet finished Text Analytics in ITS 2.0: Annotation of Named Entities - JSI <fsasaki> tadej presenting slides <fsasaki> use cases - would add localization workflow, e.g. usage in XLIFF as a way to inform both the human and machine agent <fsasaki> workflow - automatic domani generation - choice of MT system <fsasaki> dave: figure out where enrycher is or will be used <Yves_> To Tadej: That was nice and to the point. <Yves_> FYI: We have a mention to an Enrycher step in our sildes. <fsasaki> support of business case <fsasaki> quality assurance by humans and MT disambiguation usage of TA annotations Reviewer's Workbench <fsasaki> make clear what is prototype and what is working <fsasaki> make business value of LOD clear, e.g. cross-silo queries, gathering statistics across data sets ITS 2.0 Metadata and Machine Translation - DCU <fsasaki> ankit showing slides <fsasaki> how to present "life" an MT training system at the review? <fsasaki> dave: focus on workplan - maybe rather focus on technical aspects? <fsasaki> ankit: will have demo of MT service + re-training HTML-to-TMS Roundtrip using XLIFF with CMS-LION and SOLAS TCD/UL <fsasaki> david: we are doing xliff-roundtripp <fsasaki> .. xliff enters platform in two ways: extractor driven by okapi <fsasaki> .. and via cms-lion <fsasaki> .. we will show how human consumers can see the display throught the cycle <fsasaki> felix: can you do a screencast for that? <fsasaki> dave, david will look at that next week <fsasaki> felix - by friday next week <fsasaki> future directions - point out NIF <> ITS connection and this as a way to address "multilayer" issue for text analysis <fsasaki> also a video would be good <fsasaki> maurico: advantage of video - you can show what happens in one step <fsasaki> .. the time for that expected is then clear <fsasaki> .. in a video you can delete all the steps that just take time, changing between windows etc - where to put posters? - how to integrate other partners? - what to do in 2013 and beyond? <fsasaki> dave: posters - put on page for presentations in the wiki <fsasaki> discussion about circle re-do <Declan> common to give reviewers access to dissemination materials - so we should definitely make them available <fsasaki> thanks, declan, will send out links before the review <fsasaki> send out = send out to reviewers <fsasaki> - how to integrate other partners - make slides showing their use cases <philr> Apologies I have to drop out now. I'll check the minutes for any last items <fsasaki> at the end of demo part <fsasaki> ok, thanks, philr <fsasaki> make clear then things are delivered <fsasaki> - what to do in 2013 and beyond? <fsasaki> "beyond" <fsasaki> pedro - how to maintain the ITS group <fsasaki> .. to do a plan for this is important <fsasaki> .. and how to spread the word and how to evangelize for clients, CMS people etc. <fsasaki> .. to take into account ITS2 <fsasaki> .. so that people don't finish in 2014 <fsasaki> .. in 2014 should continue to work ITS2 as a group of work, in conferences etc. <fsasaki> .. give support to companies <fsasaki> ... if there is an active group it is easer to get adoption by clients <fsasaki> .. if clients see a group of people who continue people supporting it <fsasaki> dave: having a clear path is one part of the continuation <fsasaki> .. list projects where we leverage MLW-lT <fsasaki> .. e.g. mention projects we put in <fsasaki> .. e..g how we use ITS in CNGL2 <fsasaki> .. can send a few points for the slides <fsasaki> .. also, need to talk about events <fsasaki> .. e.g. mlw workhsops, FEISGILT event etc. <fsasaki> pedro: business side also - allowing 3rd parties to use ITS: group could provide support and consultancy <fsasaki> dave: yes, best practices, making test suite more user friendly etc. <fsasaki> .. list out best practices we are working on one more call <fsasaki> next week another call, again 1 p.m. UTC, with videos + missing slides Summary of Action Items [End of minutes] __________________________________________________________ Minutes formatted by David Booth's [20]scribe.perl version 1.137 ([21]CVS log) $Date: 2013-03-04 13:02:55 $ [20] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm [21] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/
Received on Monday, 4 March 2013 13:28:24 UTC