Re: Conflict between specification and Test Suite

Hi Philip,

"An optional |lineBreakType| attribute. It indicates what type of line 
breaks the storage uses. The possible values are: |cr| for CARRIAGE 
RETURN (U+000D), |lf| for LINE FEED (U+000A), |crlf| for CARRIAGE RETURN 
(U+000D) followed by LINE FEED (U+000A), or |nel| for NEXT LINE 
(U+0085). The default value is |lf|."

I think you missed this sentence from the spec. The default is lf. So 
the tests are correct.


On 04.03.2013 13:53, Philip wrote:
> Hey all,
> there appears to be conflict between the its 2.0 specification and the 
> expected output files for the storage size category.
> The StorageSize category defines an optional attribute, lineBreakType, 
> which has a default value of "lf".
> The specification explicitly states that this data category has no 
> default values.
> The lineBreakType attribute appears in each of the expected outputs, 
> regardless of the absence of the lineBreakType attribute in the input 
> file.
> This behavior is not defined in the specification, 
>, and seems to be a conflict as 
> no defaults are specified for this category.
> Is this an issue with the spec or an issue with the expected outputs 
> from the ITS Test Suite?
> Can someone clarify what the behavior is with data categories that 
> have optional attributes with default values?
> Thanks,
> Philip

Received on Monday, 4 March 2013 13:01:32 UTC