Conflict between specification and Test Suite

Hey all,
there appears to be conflict between the its 2.0 specification and the 
expected output files for the storage size category.

The StorageSize category defines an optional attribute, lineBreakType, 
which has a default value of "lf".
The specification explicitly states that this data category has no 
default values.
The lineBreakType attribute appears in each of the expected outputs, 
regardless of the absence of the lineBreakType attribute in the input file.

This behavior is not defined in the specification,, and seems to be a conflict as 
no defaults are specified for this category.
Is this an issue with the spec or an issue with the expected outputs 
from the ITS Test Suite?
Can someone clarify what the behavior is with data categories that have 
optional attributes with default values?

Received on Monday, 4 March 2013 12:54:19 UTC