Re: [all] ITS to XLIFF Mapping

I see in the table in:
that you have mapping for the structural and the inline specified for 
some data categories. Is the intetion that thse can coexist in an 
individual data category with ITS-like overide and default rules, or 
would their use be mutually exclusive?
  i.e. the its mark-up applies only to all the content in the trans 
unit, OR it is specified separately for each mrk?

The latter seems needed to support direct mapping to exisitng XLIFF 
mark-up, but it means we don't treat XLIFF files as a XML file in all 
cases, which seems a bit 'messy'.

see you in bit,

On 14/10/2012 12:26, Yves Savourel wrote:
>> Wrt "how to proceed": although this is not a normative features of ITS 2.0,
>> >having test files (generic XML / HTML5 / DocBook etc. in > XLIFF+ITS out)
>> >seems to be quite useful. Maybe also for the roundtripping, though it
>> >seems there is a n:1 mapping from the source format to XLIFF,
>> >e.g. all of these <span its:translate=no">...
>> ><code its:translate=no">...
>> >would end up in <mrk mtype="protected">
>> >So should this be part of the or a different "real life usage"
>> >test suite?
> The only mapping --but maybe that is not the proper term-- we can do is making sure a same content is assigned the same ITS information in both the original data and XLIFF.
> In XLIFF you wouldn't necessarily know to on which element the "do-not-translate" information was set, just that the same content is labeled "do-no-translate" (that is because the original codes are 'abstracted in XLIFF).

Received on Monday, 15 October 2012 18:43:09 UTC