Re: action-226 domain in HTML5

Thanks, Yves. So how about specifying the processing of domain information
against domainMapping: An application implementing domain MUST do the
following for processing "domain mappings":

- If no "domain mapping" attribute is given, the value coming out of
evaluating "domainPointer" is just passed to the application

- If a "domain mapping" attribute is given and the evaluation EDP of the
XPath "domainPointer" leads to a list of values:
1) map each value from EDP that has a mapping in "domain mapping" to the
consumer specific values
2) pass all other values to the application

- If a "domain mapping" attribute is given and the evaluation EDP of the
XPath "domainPointer" leads to one value that contains 2C KOMMA:
0) split the value of EDP into separate values, using KOMMA as a separator
apply steps 1)-2) as before.


2012/10/4 Yves Savourel <>

> > A domain pointer could point to the "subjectterm" elements
> > <its:domainRule selector="/db:article/db:para"
> domainPointer="/db:article/db:info//db:subjectterm"/>
> > This would give a list of strings.
> >
> > With this HTML
> > <meta name="keywords" content="news, sports, politics, weather" />
> > We would have one string, which is a comma separated list of strings.
> >
> > Yves, all, is the above the issue?
> > I don't know a solution yet, just want to be sure.
> Yes Felix, it's the issue.
> -yves

Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2012 17:39:44 UTC