RE: idValue requirement updated

> I don't think this is a problem with the proposal.
> selector="//desc" idValue="concat(../@name, '_d')"
> ...
> This is unique iff a msg can have at most one desc. 
> If a msg can have multiple desc elements, it obviously 
> is not. But then you should use something like
> idValue="concat(../@name, '_d', count(preceding-sibling::desc))"
> To write correct rules, you have to know what's allowed in 
> the target XML vocabulary. If you write rules with false 
> assumptions, it's not really the fault of ITS.

I agree about that last part :)

But at the same time concat(../@name, '_d', count(preceding-sibling::desc)) wouldn't work if we want the ID value to be reproducible with another version of the file (except obviously if there is always the same number of <desc> In the same order).

I guess what we need to clarify is what are the requirements of the ID value we are discussing.

To me it should be:
- unique at least within the document
- the value should be the same in new versions of the document

That's because the type of tasks I would use it for are tasks across versions of the same document.

But Dave, you are maybe thinking of something different: how to get an ID valid for a given document during its localization cycle. In other word a value that doesn't need to survive after the document is done.

In other words you are thinking XLIFF 'id' and I'm thinking XLIFF 'resname'.


Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2012 14:21:19 UTC