Re: FW: Pointer target size

you're so right and have been saying for a long time, mixem them and you
end up with all kind of quirks.

But a minimum of 24 will break the internet, so if you let go and focus on
the 24 total, this is what we're after (the last proposed sentence from me).

We've talked on two variations for this potential SC, and the proposed text
Sukriti  sent came out of the conversation, BUT the sentence I've sent
after covers exactly what we're after...

Op zo 1 nov. 2020 om 15:53 schreef Patrick H. Lauke <

> On 01/11/2020 14:50, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> > On 01/11/2020 13:13, jake abma wrote:
> >> any feedback on?: "For each edge of a target,  the distance to the
> >> closest edge of the nearest target on the opposite side is at least 24
> >> CSS pixels, except when:":
> >>
> >> this one preserves all we've been after... I think
> >
> > What about two 1x1 px targets that are, say, 25px apart. would they pass?
> Again, I think if you're trying to somehow define BOTH a minimum size
> AND a minimum distance (in relation to the size), then you won't be able
> to do so by using one single measure somehow that contains both. They
> can be gamed either way since you're not defining how much of that
> distance should be spacing and how much should be target. Unless I'm
> missing a subtlety here.
> P
> --
> Patrick H. Lauke
> |
> |
> twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Sunday, 1 November 2020 15:01:59 UTC