Re: Proposal: expanding/modifying Guideline 2.1 and its SCs (2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3) to cover Touch+AT

Patrick H. wrote:
>  No if the touch interface relied on detecting swipes, it would fail 
>  proposed 2.1 since it can't be operated using all non-pointer interfaces 
>  (adding keyboard events would allow traditional keyboard controls, but 
>  wouldn't do anything for touch+AT scenario)
Ah, so a finger isn’t a pointing device? ;-)

In my head the JS events types fall into categories of mouse, keyboard, touch and higher-level (e.g. focus/blur). 
With mouse & touch counting as ‘pointer’ events.

I had thought that web-content could include features using mouse, keyboard & touch events that are missed if you use touch+AT. 
Is there no gap there?

Hopefully this isn’t me being dumb, but even if it is then it’s a trap others might fall into, and worth considering in terms of wording.



Received on Monday, 18 July 2016 08:47:54 UTC