Re: Proposal: expanding/modifying Guideline 2.1 and its SCs (2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3) to cover Touch+AT

On 15/07/2016 16:56, Alastair Campbell wrote:

> My reading is basically: Make sure you can do everything without a
> mouse, including using a keyboard. This seems good, minor point about
> the term “non-pointer input” aside.
> I don’t think it does impact the new 2.5.1, as that is tackling a
> different issue. (That of a touch interface changing with the AT applied.)
> Working to the new 2.1 should make 2.5.1 easier to meet, but there are
> issues (e.g. relying on touch-swiping) that are not covered by the
> current or proposed 2.1.

David is correct that my proposed 2.1 changes would cover what's 
currently 2.5.1

If you have functionality implemented through swiping, it needs to also 
work for non-pointer users (keyboard, touch interface when AT applied). 
So the concepts touched (hah) on in 2.5.1 actually come back to "it 
needs to work in touch+AT as well". Since the interface (to pass WCAG) 
that uses swipes/gestures already today also needs to work with keyboard 
anyway, my proposed 2.1 changes avoid having to use 2.5.1 (as if 2.1 is 
expanded to include touch+AT, then it serves the same purpose as 2.5.1)

> An example might help, let’s take an image slider/carousel that lets you
> move through a set of images. (Patrick, you might need to correct the
> details, but I think the premise is valid?)
> For the next / previous functionality you could fail on all counts by
> using mouse-specific events attached to the left/right sides for
> previous/next, and swipe detection (touchstart, touchmove, touchend).
> This fails 2.1 current and proposed, and 2.5.1 I believe (because swipe
> is used for navigating with AT).
> You could pass current 2.1 by adding keyboard events, but fail 2.1
> proposed, and fail 2.5.1.
> You could pass current and proposed 2.1 by using keyboard and mouse
> event-handlers, but if a touch interface relies on detecting swipes that
> would still fail 2.5.1.

No if the touch interface relied on detecting swipes, it would fail 
proposed 2.1 since it can't be operated using all non-pointer interfaces 
(adding keyboard events would allow traditional keyboard controls, but 
wouldn't do anything for touch+AT scenario)

Circling back to all the good work in 2.5.1 - ASSUMING that we do still 
want to explore how 2.1 could be made more holistic, all the wording and 
examples produced for 2.5.1 can/should be added to the relevant parts of 
2.1 (so the examples about how AT remaps gestures etc would be relevant 
in explaining the proposed input-agnostic 2.1)

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Friday, 15 July 2016 16:37:57 UTC