Edited mobile technique failure on touch gesture
Issue of the new Success Criterion 2.5.3 vs. WCAG 3.2.1
MATF Minutes 18 February 2016
MATF Minutes 25 February 2016
MATF Minutes 4 February 2016
Minutes of meeting of 11 February 2016
Mobile A11y Task Force Agenda Thursday, February 11
Mobile A11y Task Force Agenda Thursday, February 18
Mobile A11y Task Force Agenda Thursday, February 25
Mobile A11y Task Force Agenda Thursday, February 4
mobile-ACTION-34: Write fm002
mobile-ACTION-35: Write fm003
mobile-ACTION-36: Write fm004
mobile-ACTION-37: Write fm005
mobile-ACTION-38: Write m028
mobile-ACTION-39: Research changes to 2.5.3 and write a new proposal.
mobile-ACTION-40: Write m029 technique
New proposed text for the Introduction
Touch Events / Remapping?
WCAG Agenda February 23, 2016
Last message date: Monday, 29 February 2016 20:54:44 UTC