Re: Issue of the new Success Criterion 2.5.3 vs. WCAG 3.2.1

On 25/02/2016 20:38, Detlev Fischer wrote:
> This 2.5.3 SC (activation on touchend) originated in the BBC Mobile Accessibility Guidelines. One could argue that at least the non-IT case s more a usability failure as it affects everyone.
> I wonder whether elements that fire on touch start in non-AT mode would actually behave differently when AT is active. My guess is they won"t and both need a double tap to fire, but that could be tested.

After mulling over the original issue of being able to bail out of a 
tap/activation (when AT is *not* active, which I believe was part of the 
original intent), I did some minor re-testing of certain event 
behaviors, and it seems that things have changed subtly in recent months 
with regards to event sequences fired and the automatic capture 
(depending on the type of control). I'll do some follow-up testing, but 
it does seem that the original "only fire (click, effectively) when over 
the originally touched element" has some merit for button/link type 
controls (however, not for things like sliders, which is partly what 
confused the issue for me as that related to a previous conversation in 
another group).

In short, I may look at this afresh (both the original 3.5.2 and also 
the relationship to WCAG 2.0 3.2.1) and feed something back to the list.

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Thursday, 25 February 2016 21:34:38 UTC